Reflecting His Image
Morning after morning, night after night, and year after year, I’ve stared into the mirror. At 41 years old, I thought I knew who I was. I thought I was confident, emotionally and spiritually healthy, and well-established. Life seemed pretty good.
My relationship with the Lord had grown over the past years, and my heart had truly come to a place of complete surrender. This seemed like a great place to be as I began to ask him for a calling, and a commissioning into the greater purpose he had set aside for me, and me alone. Little did I know that God was going to turn my life upside down. Everything I thought I knew about myself was about to be challenged, and staring into the mirror would take on an entirely new perspective for me. Knowing who you are when you look into the mirror is one thing, but believing it and walking it out is another.
In 2018, the Lord gave me a beautiful dream. In the dream, I was in a department store, and I picked up a black and gold tube of lipstick. On the side of the lipstick, it said: “Psalm 34.” I woke up and immediately read Psalm 34 in The Passion Translation. I was blown away by the imagery which describes how our countenance changes when we praise and keep our gaze upon the Lord.
Psalm 34: 1-5 (TPT)
Lord! I’m bursting with joy over what you’ve done for me!
My lips are full of perpetual praise.
I’m boasting of you and all your works,
so let all who are discouraged take heart.
Join me, everyone! Let’s praise the Lord together.
Let’s make him famous!
Let’s make his name glorious to all.
Listen to my testimony: I cried to God in my distress
and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears!
Gaze upon him, join your life with his, and joy will come.
Your faces will glisten with glory.
You’ll never wear that shame-face again.
As I meditated on the Scripture, and the dream, the Lord showed me the calling he had for me - to create a line of makeup to affirm his daughters. I began dreaming, planning, and reading the Word of God like never before. I knew the Father wanted women to speak His Word over themselves every day as they looked in the mirror. “Speak it. Apply it. Be it,” would be the message.
It takes His written Word and our mouths to speak His words into the atmosphere and pierce the darkness to bring light into dark situations. The sound of our voice carries weight, for it is backed up by the Creator of the universe, the Great I Am! In the beginning of time, He chose us, His children, to give both a mouth and a voice. No other creature has a voice. What would happen if we truly allowed this to seep deep down into our hearts and souls, and we truly grabbed ahold of what this looks like for us?
The Word of God is alive, full of energy, and moving. He showed me that partnering with Him in speaking His Word out loud on Earth is part of our calling as sons and daughters of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Speaking the Word of God shifts atmospheres, changes situations, brings down strongholds, reveals truth. Angels are waiting for the sound of our voice to send them on assignments to work on our behalf. Our voice partnered with the Word of God releases the Kingdom to go forth on Earth as it is in Heaven!
As I set out on this journey, I quickly learned how God saw me was different from how I saw myself. Under the pressure of this calling, I began to question myself and who I was—how would I start my own business? How would I start a company? Where would the makeup come from? Every corner I tried to turn, I was faced with fear, doubt, or intimidation. When staring in the mirror, my identity began to melt away, and I questioned myself. Very gently, God showed me I once again needed to reclaim my time in front of the mirror. After all, how could I ask other women to, “Speak it. Apply it. Be it,” without doing it myself?
I honestly wanted to run from this entire idea. I wanted to pretend I hadn’t had the dream or revelation of what God was telling me. Why couldn’t I just pray with someone and make all the fear, doubt, and intimidation go away? Slowly, God revealed to me that He wanted to walk with me on this journey. No, it wouldn’t be easy, but He wanted me to need Him. To be close to Him. To rely on Him. He wanted to show me where all these doubts and fears were coming from so I could deal with them. It hasn’t been an easy journey. I have scripture and truths written all over my mirror. I am speaking the Word of God out loud over myself each day. And I am finally beginning to see myself the way He sees me. What I once knew in my head is slowly sinking in as truth into my heart and soul.
“My lips are full of perpetual praise.” Psalm 34:1 (TPT)
“Gaze upon Him, join your life with His, and joy will come.” Psalm 34:5 (TPT)
“Your faces will glisten with glory. You’ll never wear that shame-face again.” Psalm 34:5 (TPT)
EverBe is now the first-ever Christian makeup brand that exists! EverBe is a movement that revolutionizes the way women apply their makeup. We empower women to feel beautiful because they are pure, lovely, and daughters of the King—royalty. Women will stop being driven by the need to feel sexy. They will now be driven by their destiny and who God has called them to be. Women will understand the need for their voices to be used and the responsibility that follows. This industry today is filled with hyper-sexualized messages and explicit advertisements that bombard all women, young and old. EverBe is God’s solution to this problem. The mirror will no longer be a place of lies, fear, and doubt, but rather a place where women will speak truth and build their faith in their Father and themselves!
EverBe will serve as a reminder each time a woman looks in the mirror. Each EverBe product has a Psalm 34 scripture on it. As she applies these products, she will say the scriptures out loud and declare truths about who she is. Along with the EverBe products, there is also a dry erase marker that is used to write scriptures on the mirror along with truths about who she is. In this way, each woman will: Speak it. Apply it. Be it.
I know that every woman’s story is different; what we all see and think about ourselves is different when we look in the mirror. Whatever your story is, I know there is power in speaking the Word of God. I am living proof that when God calls you to do something, He will sustain you throughout the process, and the reward is worth the hard work and heartache. Our Heavenly Father is waiting to walk with all of us as we journey to truly believe who we are and who we are to become. After all, we were created in His image, and we reflect His image and His glory.
“We can all draw close to Him with the veil removed from our faces. And with no veil we all become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of the Lord Jesus. We are being transfigured into His very image as we move from one brighter level of glory to another…” 2 Corinthians 3:18 (TPT)
God is doing something new in our culture, not just in the Church. He is in the business of reclaiming it ALL for His glory! This is just one, small way He is going to invade our culture. We are to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and He is going to use those who are yielded and postured for something greater than themselves! Are you willing to join Him in this invasion? Get ready!